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Living Well with Gastritis: Insights for a Balanced Gut



Imagine your stomach as a castle with a protective barrier called the stomach lining or mucosa. This barrier defends against acids and enzymes, but it can sometimes face serious attacks, leading to inflammation called gastritis. When gastritis occurs, the castle’s guard is in danger!


Gastritis is a common medical term that refers to inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be caused by infections, specific foods, or stomach chemicals. Understanding gastritis and its causes can help you manage it better.


Types of Gastritis


Gastritis can be classified into two main types: acute and chronic.


- Acute gastritis occurs suddenly and lasts for a short period. It usually has temporary causes.

- Chronic gastritis is more long-lasting but may not always be noticeable. It develops gradually due to persistent conditions like infections or prolonged medication use.


Within these categories, gastritis may be further classified as:


- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced gastritis

- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-induced gastritis

- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

- Alcohol-induced gastritis

- Stress-induced gastritis


Demystifying Gastritis


This article aims to demystify gastritis by breaking down its types, symptoms, causes, and treatment options. By understanding gastritis, you can manage it better and improve your digestive health.

• Erosive Gastritis: Damages the stomach lining with acid, bile, alcohol, or medications, causing painful ulcers.

• Non-Erosive Gastritis: Irritates the lining without erosions, often resulting in redness or thinning (atrophic gastritis).

• Gastritis prevalence: Worldwide, about 1 in 1,000 people experience acute gastritis due to infections, alcohol, or medications, while chronic gastritis affects about 1 in 5,000 people. Globally, half the population has chronic gastritis caused by H. pylori, a common bacterial infection.

• Symptoms: Gastritis may not cause noticeable symptoms, but when it does, you might experience loss of appetite, stomach pain and bloating, nausea, or vomiting. In severe cases, bleeding ulcers may occur due to erosive gastritis, causing black blood in stool (melena) or vomit (coffee ground emesis).

• Causes: Gastritis develops due to various threats to the stomach lining, including infections (bacterial or viral), chemicals (alcohol, NSAIDs, recreational drugs), autoimmune diseases, reduced blood supply (major surgeries, trauma, critical illnesses), and stress.

• Diagnosis: Gastritis is diagnosed based on symptoms, medical history, and physical examination.

Healthcare providers may suspect gastritis based on symptoms, but confirmation requires a biopsy during an upper endoscopy. Additional tests, like blood and stool tests, can aid diagnosis.


Acute gastritis often resolves with addressing the root cause, while chronic gastritis needs medical treatment and lifestyle changes.


Over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief, but consult a healthcare provider for long-term management.


Treatment depends on the cause and may include antibiotics for H. pylori infections, medication changes if NSAIDs cause gastritis, addressing substance abuse issues, specific drugs for autoimmune conditions, or surgery in rare cases.


Gastritis itself isn’t contagious, but the infections causing it, like H. pylori, are. Good hygiene can prevent their spread.


With timely treatment and proper care, most cases improve quickly. Chronic cases may require lifestyle changes for lasting recovery.



Understanding gastritis’ symptoms, causes, and treatment options empowers you to manage it effectively for better digestive health.

Regular health check-ups and blood tests are crucial for identifying gastritis-causing issues. OurMedico offers comprehensive diagnostic and pathology services for accurate results and better health.

Their precise diagnostics and patient-centered care prioritize your well-being. Take proactive steps toward better digestive health today with OurMedico. Together, let’s improve your health!






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